Profiles of bystanders within the dynamics of school harassment (bullying)


  • Adriana Marín-Martínez Universidad Anáhuac México
  • Mariana Orozco Mendoza Universidad Anáhuac México
  • Lea Hamui Waysel Universidad Anáhuac México
  • Pamela Cruz Zamora Universidad Anáhuac México
  • Jimena Velasco Pérez Universidad Anáhuac México
  • Ana Larisa Almazán Ochoa Universidad Anáhuac México



school harassment, bullying, teenager, bystanders of bullying, latent profiles


The purpose of the research was to identify the profiles of spectators in the dynamics of school harassment. Participants were 469 students (50.01% men and 49.9% women), between 12 and 16 years old (M = 13.6, DS = 1.03). Of the total number of students, 6.8% were classified as victims, 8.6% as bullies, 0.9% as bullies-victims and 83.7% as bystanders. An analysis of Latent Classes (ACL) was carried out to only identify the profiles of the bystanders, of which 21.5% were assistant of the victim, 32.9% were classified as indifferent, while the remaining 45.6% were defenders of the victim. From this information, the educational authorities can do the prevention and attention to school harassment in a differentiated way.


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How to Cite

Marín-Martínez, A., Orozco Mendoza, M., Hamui Waysel, L., Cruz Zamora, P., Velasco Pérez, J., & Almazán Ochoa, A. L. (2022). Profiles of bystanders within the dynamics of school harassment (bullying). El Psicólogo Anáhuac, 22, 65–79.