Communication, a humanizing element in service SMEs in Mexico

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Dolores Lozano Gutiérrez


Integral communication is the communication approach that includes information, persuasion, dialogue, feedback and participation of the members of an organization. The role of integral communication considers the person as the main element of any organization. Considering the conditions of work pressure and staff turnover characteristic of restaurant sme, this article analyzes the role of integral communication and constitutive communication in the identification and socialization of first-line employees, employees who have contact with the client of Mexican restaurant SMEs. Based on this analysis, the communication is a human element that strengthens the processes of linking the employee with the work group and with the organization to transcend the solidarity of a participatory community.


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How to Cite
Lozano Gutiérrez, D. (2019). Communication, a humanizing element in service SMEs in Mexico. Sintaxis, (2), 149–164.


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