Fourth industrial revolution and its impact on e-government in Mexico. A reflection from the idea of Community Building by Cipriano Sánchez García
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution poses a series of opportunities and challenges for governments, who have the task of implementing actions that allow equal opportunities for the development of all individuals. In this sense, this article analyzes the scope of electronic government in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to contribute to the construction of community, seen as an environment for the common good, according to the analysis of this concept made by Sánchez, C. in his book Community Creation in Postmodern Times. To achieve this, a bibliographic review was carried out on the main concepts: electronic government and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The work of Schwab, K.: Fourth Industrial Revolutionwas taken as the main reference to study this concept. Finally, it is concluded that both terms are linked and the need to expand the scope of e-government is identified, to take advantage of the new opportunities in the creation of community, through a proposal for the use of disruptive technologies, to generate conditions where all sectors have access to the opportunities of the digital economy.
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