Social intelligence, an elementary competence in the development of the doctor-patient relationship




inteligencia social, médico-paciente, antropocentrismo, dignidad humana, inteligencia emocional, comunicación, humanismo


Introduction: The doctor-patient relationship is one of the great foundations of the vocation of medicine in the service of humanity. There can be no professional care without a solid foundation centered on trust and assertive communication. It is only then that competences such as Social Intelligence (SI) can play a defining role since they provide the physician with the practical skills, theoretical knowledge, and relevant attitudes to establish a professional relationship with the patient. Daniel Goleman presents the concept of SI as a continuation of his work on EI, where the whole cognitive process arises from self-knowledge, the ability to delve into the different spheres of the emotional-affective spectrum and self-regulation. Later, the social relationship is reached when the emotional recognition of others is based on the individual capacity for empathy which, together with a harmonized regulation, leads to the development of healthy social skills. Objective: To present the relevance of SI competence in the proper development of the doctor-patient relationship. Methods: A systematic review was carried out based on the PRISMATM statement (2009), using PubMedTM, MedigraphicTM, and ResearchgateTM as search engines. A total of 115 articles were evaluated. Results: Based on its diverse definitions, accepted since 1920, social intelligence is an essential component. However, it is clear that there is a huge contradiction because it is not really considered in formal education. Over the years, the concept of SI has evolved, while the doctor-patient relationship has become increasingly important. Conclusion: The general consensus is that the need to humanize the medical sciences leads us to reflect on the scarcely studied humanistic competences. Then, we can promote a comprehensive medical education to promote a holistic conception of health as those who suggest medicine is a vocation do.


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How to Cite

Cerdio Dominguez, D., Millán Zurita, P., Cedillo Urbina, A. C., Félix Castro, J. M., & Del Campo Turcios, E. C. (2021). Social intelligence, an elementary competence in the development of the doctor-patient relationship. Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare, 1(1), 52–61.