Algorithmic mediation in the construction of public opinion in socio-digital media within the framework of political communication
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The objective of this article is to identify the communicative practices that revolve around the construction of public opinion in socio-digital networks on matters of political interest in society. The methodology obeys a documentary design with a qualitative approach that was carried out under a bibliographic review in an exploratory study that allowed us to know the limit of the frontier of knowledge about communicative practices in digital environments. For the theoretical references, concepts such as public opinion, deliberative democracy and the public sphere of the classic author Habermas were taken, as well as contemporary authors who speak about socio-digital networks, communicative practices, spiral of silence, homophilia, among others. The findings allow us to understand the algorithmic culture mediated through the use of technologies, which allowed us to have an approach to the problems of the communicative practices of political groups that operate fictively for or against preferences in socio-digital networks by affect the political life of society.
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