State of organizational communication in a scientific re search and technology consortium
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This article deals with organizational communication within a scientific and technological research consortium and its relationship with project management. From a mixed approach and a systemic perspective, the objective was to diagnose the state of organizational communication and its relationship with project management carried out within the framework of the Gulf of Mexico Research Consortium (CIGOM), between 2018 and 2021. The research was developed through from the review of the foundational documents of the consortium, the participant observation records and a questionnaire to a representative sample of consortium members in 2021. Evidence of greater communication activity in the internal sphere was found, which has benefited the operation of the consortium, and less activity abroad, this being an area of essential development in the immediate future. The management of the consortium showed better evaluations in terms of leadership, motivation, satisfaction and belonging, but not for aspects such as control, evaluation or adjustment processes and improvements related to these.
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