The hyperconnectivity of food journalists in Spanish media
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The period of confinement, due to Covid-19 pandemic, was an experience of hyperconnectivity for food journalism professionals in Spain. In this article, we study the cases of two sections specialized in food journalism and linked to two relevant media outlets in Spain such as Ser Gastro and Comer La Vanguardia. Based on a qualitative study, we interview their managers and we carry out a content analysis of their social networks before and after the lockdown. Results show the differences and similarities between the initiatives of the gastronomic sections analyzed, with an innovative presence of direct broadcasts on social networks that, after the pandemic, become other formats such as podcasts and with local content that brings users closer to gastronomy from hyperconnectivity. Results also show the versatility of the food journalist and the capacity for hyperconnectivity at a time of crisis such as the confinement and how the return to “normal”, after the end of the pandemic, reduces multiplatform initiatives due to lack of resources, but not the role of digital media and the importance of the human component in food journalism.
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