Polarization in contemporary democracies. Outline of an analytical model of populist political communication

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Alberto Ruiz Méndez, Dr.


The aim of this paper is to outline a model of analysis of populist political communication based on the elements of a mixed process of political polarization. To develop it, first we define what we mean by political polarization, then its relationship with the digital media is described and finally the populist political communication style is exposed as a factor that completes this mixed process of polarization; this will lead to the conclusion that polarization is inversely proportional to democratic stability and that the analysis model would allow us to identify its potential risks.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Méndez, A. (2021). Polarization in contemporary democracies. Outline of an analytical model of populist political communication. Sintaxis, (7), 33–49. https://doi.org/10.36105/stx.2021n7.02
Author Biography

Alberto Ruiz Méndez, Dr., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Colegio de Filosofía

Doctor en Filosofía por la UNAM. Coordinador del Proyecto “¿Debilitamiento o consolidación de las democracias en América Latina?” Publicaciones recientes: Who are the subjects of justice in a globalized world? From the ‘unidimensional identity’ to the ‘diversity of identities’. En J. Rohbeck, D. Brauer, & C. Roldán, (Eds.) (2018). Philosophy of Globalization (pp. 153-166). Berlín: De Gruyter, y El mal y la injusticia pasiva en las democracias liberales. Intersticios, 2018, 22(49), 09-12.


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