Transhumanism, techno-humanism and ethics

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Luca Benvenga


This article will describe and analyze, through a literature review, transhumanism, a complex current of thought whose project involves the fusion of the individual and the machine.
After a first brief analysis on the origins of transhumanism, the increasingly strong linkage of the anthropocentric and technocentric paradigms is investigated, to understand, through the figure of the cyborg, how the current progress of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) insinuate a high level of penetration into the human. The ethical issues raised by hybridization processes today are analyzed. Special interest is also given to the exploration of the polarization between conservatives and progressives, with reference to their respective ways of interpreting the relationship between the subject and technology.


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How to Cite
Benvenga, L. (2023). Transhumanism, techno-humanism and ethics. Medicina Y Ética, 34(1), 160–193.
Author Biography

Luca Benvenga, Universidad de Salento

University of Salento, Italy


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