Ultra-processed foods as a topic of study in global bioethics

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Gustavo Pérez Berlanga


This article proposes to consider food in general and ultra-processed foods and sugar-sweetened beverages in particular, as an issue thatconcerns global bioethics. The first section explains the relationship between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and health, the second section relates the so-called non-communicable diseases and mental health with food, and the third section argues the role that bioethics, especially global bioethics, should play around food.


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How to Cite
Pérez Berlanga, G. (2023). Ultra-processed foods as a topic of study in global bioethics. Medicina Y Ética, 34(4), 935–998. https://doi.org/10.36105/mye.2023v34n4.02
Author Biography

Gustavo Pérez Berlanga, Grupo Restaurantero Gigante, Mexico City, Mexico

Director of Social Responsibility at Grupo Restaurantero Gigante. Writer, lecturer, and professor in sustainability at several universities and business schools. Mexico
City, Mexico


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