The right to breastfeeding of minors born through surrogacy: a biolegal and bioethical analysis

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Juan Manuel Palomares Cantero


This article legally and ethically analyzes the right to breastfeeding in surrogacy, addressing its complexities from a comprehensive perspective. It highlights the need to regulate surrogacy at the federal level in Mexico, protecting the rights of the minor and his or her right to breastfeeding. Affective parenting and the creation of new bio-legal norms are promoted considering the jurisdiction and requirements of the parents. The promotion of breastfeeding in surrogacy is based on the ethical benefit of the child. The importance of comprehensive care during the puerperium and breastfeeding is highlighted, valuing mental health and guaranteeing adequate breastfeeding. Clauses in surrogacy contracts are recommended to extend their duration and ensure breastfeeding and the healthy development of the child.


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How to Cite
Palomares Cantero, J. M. (2023). The right to breastfeeding of minors born through surrogacy: a biolegal and bioethical analysis. Medicina Y Ética, 34(4), 999–1035.
Author Biography

Juan Manuel Palomares Cantero, Academia Nacional Mexicana de Bioética, Mexico

Researcher at the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics, Mexico


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