Dilemas éticos relacionados con la supresión de la pubertad

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María Guadalupe Grimaux
Gustavo Paez


Pediatric gender dysphoria is a psychiatric pathology whose incidence has increased significantly. Several therapies have been proposed, but there is still no consensus on the behavior to follow in these cases. One of the suggested treatments is the suppression of puberty, whose ob- jective is to reduce the distress of the child suffering from this patholo- gy. However, this treatment has generated several ethical dilemmas that have not yet been resolved. For this reason, based on the current evidence, its indication does not seem prudent since there are other therapeutic alternatives that do not arouse controversy.


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Grimaux, M. G., & Paez, G. (2023). Dilemas éticos relacionados con la supresión de la pubertad. Medicina Y Ética, 34(1), 16–48. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.anahuac.mx/index.php/bioetica/article/view/2233


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