Perinatal palliative care: a comprehensive approach

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Ignacio A. Ricaud Vélez
Inés Hanhausen Estrada
Santiago Phillibert Rosas


Perinatal palliative care emerged as an essential measure to comprehensively address the treatment of neonatal patients with prenatal or perinatal diagnoses of severe life-threatening illnesses. This care is aimed at newborns suffering from conditions that prevent them from surviving beyond a few minutes or hours, or in cases where they are born lifeless. The focus is not only on the neonatal patient, but also on supporting the mother and close relatives. The primary goal is to preserve the dignity of newborns and to provide them with the greatest possible comfort during their transition to the end of life.


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How to Cite
Ricaud Vélez, I. A. ., Hanhausen Estrada, I. ., & Phillibert Rosas, S. . (2024). Perinatal palliative care: a comprehensive approach. Medicina Y Ética, 35(4), 1098–1136.
Author Biographies

Ignacio A. Ricaud Vélez, Médico general. XIMA Health & Wellness, Ciudad de México, México.

General Practitioner. XIMA Health & Wellness, Mexico City, Mexico.

Inés Hanhausen Estrada, General Practitioner. Hospital Español, Mexico City, Mexico.

General Practitioner. Hospital Español, Mexico City, Mexico.

Santiago Phillibert Rosas, General Practitioner. Epilepsy Clinic, National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Mexico City, Mexico.

General Practitioner. Epilepsy Clinic, National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery,
Mexico City, Mexico.


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