Bodies and reasons. Nietzsche and the human complexity

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Paolo Scolan


Nietzsche’s various observations about the body, represent without a doubt a fundamental hermeneutic crossroad in the area of the moral reflection on the topic of corporeity. At the same time, the reconstruction of his thoughts on this delicate subject, constitutes a decisive test bed for critically re-thinking reasons, seeking to review his position within the world of the humane. The leitmotif of the body, firmly binds to one another, the harsh critiques that Nietzsche sends to the Western civilization, which, from Socrates onward, saw the dominance of an abstract and calculating form of rationality, to the detriment of an incarnated and more humane reason. From the early writings to the mature ones, from the Zarathustra to the last polemical pamphlets, through the myriad of posthumous fragments. Scattered around almost all of his works and stretching over almost twenty years, Nietzsche’s interest in the corporeal dimension of the humane, never loses tension.


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Scolan, P. (2018). Bodies and reasons. Nietzsche and the human complexity. Medicina Y Ética, 29(4), 1125–1152. Retrieved from


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