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Martha Tarasco, Dra.


Bio-legal is the subspecialization of Bioethics that shows the greatest development.

Given that positive law is also the one that prevails in the world, it is then about rules that seek the lowest ethical common, and therefore is directly linked to ethics.

Positive law is practical and its methodology implies the consensus of legislators. Within this way of preparing the laws, it is called Law in force when it is published and while it is in force. However, the validity of the standard does not guarantee its operability.

Bioethics has a fertile field and of great pragmatic interest in Biojurídica. It is the most efficient way of access for society to understand and implement ethical principles that affect human life and health.


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How to Cite
Tarasco, M. (2021). Introduction. Medicina Y Ética, 23(3), 293–294. Retrieved from