Love and sexuality: value and meaning

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Oana Gotia, Lic.


In the light of Pope Benedict the XVIth's Deus Caritas est, the arti- cle seeks to show that man's desire to be profoundly loved for hi- mself and to love is not a utopian one; if it follows a path of hea- ling and of harmonization with the other goals of human life, this desire becomes whole and complete, thus permeating and rende- ring human eros strong and beautiful. It is a path that leads and helps the person to achieve a limpid gaze, capable of seeing the person in the flesh of the beloved, unifying the various elements the make up the rich experience of love –sexual attraction, emo- tions, the will 's choice, reason– within an action that is ordered towards the true good of the other. If these precious elements are not kept together though, love is not just impoverished, but most importantly it is threatened to fall apart.

Man needs therefore to find those ways of unification and har- monization of love, which are none other than the virtues, espe- cially the virtue of chastity. Human virtues are true resources for acquiring the art of a qualitative love, which continues to seek its fullness and excellence. Thus the virtues do not render us "immu- ne" or "opaque" towards reality, they do not do away with the onto- logical vulnerability to the world and to the other people. Instead, 

they help us to eradicate that malady which disintegrates us mo- rally and which abandons us to our weaknesses, which then become wounds that can never heal; a fragmented eros make us drown in the tragedy of not being able to reach what eros promises

Human love thus harmonized is in fact an eros touched and reborn of Eternity, which embraces time –instead of escaping it– edifying a strong and genially creative love, a love which always affirming its bodily mediation. Agape does not destroy eros, but it cherishes and exalts it, offering man the necessary freedom to love: to love preserving the concept of difference involved in a relatio- nship; to love responding to the gift with a gift of self; to love the fruitfulness that true love implies, since true love is never sterile.


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How to Cite
Gotia, O. (2014). Love and sexuality: value and meaning. Medicina Y Ética, 25(3), 371–392. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Oana Gotia, Lic., Pontifical Giovanni Paolo II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, Rome

Professor in charge of the Chair of Special Moral Theology of the Pontifical Giovanni Paolo II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, Rome


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