Scientific objectives: 

1. Publish ongoing or completed research on Bioethics issues. 

2. Contribute to generate academic debate regarding current issues of Bioethics. 

3. Disseminate academically solid works on issues related to Bioethics. 

4. Promote interdisciplinary dialogue on relevant and current issues in health and life sciences. 


The journal Medicina y Ética contributes to the realization and strengthening of the mission of the Faculty of Bioethics of the Universidad Anáhuac México, especially concerning the formation of an opinion based on Bioethics centered on the human person: 


Thematic coverage: 

The journal encourages debate around general Bioethics on issues related to the beginning and end of human life, but also on issues of Clinical Bioethics, the figure of the bioethicist and hospital bioethics committees, as well as on issues of Global Bioethics, biotechnologies, biopolitics and issues of emerging Bioethics. 

Target audience: 

- General public interested in Bioethics issues and in the current debate around health and life sciences. 

- Academics, researchers and other health and humanities professionals who want to contribute to dialogue and serious reflection on Bioethics. 



Quarterly, at the beginning of each month: January, April, July, October.


The Journal has two sections: firstly, original unpublished articles, and secondly, reviews.

The timing policies for each section are specified in the subsection "Submissions" under "Guidelines for authors".

Articles and reviews must be written in Spanish or English in a clear, concise style, using 12-point Arial font, with 1.5 paragraph spacing, and be submitted in electronic Word format. It must be submitted directly through the journal’s Open Journal Systems.


a) The Editor selects articles in line with the editorial requirements of the journal.
b) The text will be checked for compliance with all indications as stated for submission of original articles.
c) Articles are decided upon by one or two academics of a relevant field with respect to the topic (double-blind peer review) in a period of at most three months. The names of the peer reviewers and the author are kept anonymous. The result will be one of the following:
     1) Publishable. In this case, the article will follow the process of translation and publication. Decisions to accept an item will not be reversed unless major problems are subsequently identified.
     2) Publishable, subject to modifications. The author must carry out the changes or corrections and resubmit the article for peer review, with the understanding that this does not guarantee that the journal will publish it. If it is rejected a second time, the article may not be resubmitted again.
     3) Not publishable. In the case of a rejection, the author shall receive an explanation of the peer reviewers’ opinion. The refusal to publish will always be for the article and not for the person. The rejected article may not be resubmitted to the journal for a period of six months.

d) The judgments of the judges must be objective and must not have any conflict of interest.
e) The reviewed articles should be treated confidentially before publication.


Medicina y Ética enforces an anti-plagiarism policy in order to guarantee the originality of each manuscript through the use of the Turnitin software, which is a solution for the detection of similarities in the contents of works. Any total or partial similarity that is not duly cited shall be reason for rejection.


Artificial intelligence software is currently a support tool with the capacity to enhance people's skills in different areas, including in the field of scientific research. There are artificial intelligence softwares such as ChatGPT, with the ability to generate ideas and arguments effectively and efficiently, complementing the author's ideas to enrich the text. On the other hand, we consider that promoting originality, authenticity and transparency in the creation of texts sent to scientific journals is of vital importance to maintain the quality, integrity and credibility of scientific research. Therefore, if at the time of submitting the article to the journal, you have used some text-generating artificial intelligence software to create the manuscript, the use of it must be declared with a footnote at the beginning of the publication, specifying the type of generative artificial intelligence that was used. This, with the aim of promoting transparency and quality of the texts presented to our journal.


Medicina y Ética maintains its contents under open access with the principle of making research freely available to the public and supporting a larger global exchange of knowledge.

All the Medicina y Ética material is published under the License of Creative Commons License Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional. You are free to:

• Share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

• Adapt: remix, transform, and build upon the material.

Under the following terms:

• Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

• NonCommercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

• ShareAlike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same licenseas the original.



Medicina y Ética adheres to the code of conduct and best practices established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at https://publicationethics.org/

The journal has a strict protocol for monitoring reports of misconduct by researchers or unethical practices in research processes.

If an anonymous complaint is filed or made directly to the editor of the journal or to any member of the Editorial Committee about bad practices or unethical conduct, the editor will be responsible for starting the investigation, unless he is the accused, in which case  a member of the Editorial Committee must be appointed by simple majority to start the investigation.

Misconduct is understood as:

Avoid publishing articles where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, self-plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification or fabrication, etc.

When there is sufficient evidence to prove the misconduct, the editor or the designated person in charge will follow up on the pertinent actions that may be:

1. In case of detection and verification of plagiarism of an article already published, it will be retracted on the journal's website with the legend “Retracted” on all pages. The author, authors, Editorial Committee, Scientific Council and all subscribers will be notified in the edition of the next number and notified with an extraordinary message of the retraction of the article in question, as well as the reasons. Likewise, it will be the responsibility of the editor to notify the databases in which the journal is indexed so that they carry out the corresponding process of retracting said article.

2. In the event of detection of false responsibility or level of authorship in the writing of the article, the editor must collect sufficient evidence from the other authors and notify all those involved that the level of authorship will be changed in the number already published or by publish, as the case may be, and impose a written reprimand on the author who committed the fault to warn him and exhort him not to repeat it. In the event of committing a second failure of this nature, the author will be permanently banned from publishing in the journal.

3. In case of detection and verification of misconduct by the editor of the journal, the Editorial Committee, through the person designated by a simple majority, will proceed to admonish him in writing to warn him of his fault and exhort him not to do it again. In case of incurring a second failure of this nature, the editor may be removed from his position under the endorsement of the director of the journal.

4. In the event of detection and verification of falsification of data and/or results in a published article, the evaluation of the repercussions and the conclusions of the work will be carried out immediately. The editor, together with the Editorial Committee, will evaluate them and, if it is determined that it was decisive for the conclusions of the investigation, the article will be immediately retracted following the guidelines stipulated in section number 1 of this section. On the other hand, if it is determined that the fabrication of the data or the alteration of the same is not decisive for the conclusions of the article, the author will be notified to make an immediate correction of the same, in a period not exceeding 15 business days and a written reprimand will be imposed to warn and exhort him not to incur in said practice again. When the modified text is received, the previous one will be replaced by the new version, warning of the errata in the Editorial of the following number. If the requested corrections are not sent, the article will be retracted following the steps mentioned in section number 1 of this section.

Policy on authorship and contribution. All authors mentioned in the article must have made a significant contribution, including students and technicians. It is exhorted to exclude those who did not contribute to its realization (honorary authorship, gift or by invitation).

Anti-plagiarism policy. Medicina y Ética maintains an anti-plagiarism policy to guarantee the originality of all manuscripts through the use of Turnitin, which is a solution on detecting content similarity.

The journal performs a similarity detection review on all articles and reviews published in each issue and if a considerable percentage (above 15%) is detected, the article or review will be rejected. The author will receive a notification with the reason for the rejection, with a period of 15 working days to make the pertinent corrections and thus contribute to the originality of the text sent. In the event that these corrections are not sent, the author may make a new submission, but with a penalty of a waiting time of three months. If the corrections are sent within the stipulated time, the article will be submitted again to a content similarity review; if the percentage is less than 15%, it will take turns to opinion, but if the percentage remains the same or even increased, the article will be rejected and the author will be penalized with a waiting time of one year to resubmit his article to the journal.

Policy on conflict of interest. All authors must declare any conflict of interest that may exist with the publication, to avoid any influence on the reported results.

Not declaring conflicts of interest is an ethical offense that will not be tolerated and will be sanctioned by a written reprimand to the author or the person directly involved and/or the retraction of the corresponding article, or removal from the post if the offense was committed by the editor. or any member of the Editorial Committee.

Ethics Oversight Policy. All original research articles that have dealt with live animals or humans must be submitted to the journal together with the approval sheet of a Research Ethics Committee that will be responsible for verifying, among other things, the information regarding informed consent of the subjects involved, privacy and confidentiality of personal data, protection of subjects and vulnerable populations, etc.

If you do not have the endorsement of a Committee, you can request it from the Research Ethics Committee of the Universidad Anáhuac México: https://www.anahuac.mx/mexico/EscuelasyFacultades/bioetica/comite-de-etica  

Any article that does not have this approval sheet will not be accepted or turned over to opinion if the research that originated it had live animals or human subjects as subjects.

Post-publication fixes. The journal has mechanisms for correcting, revising or retracting articles after their publication.

The retraction of a publication will be considered in the following cases*:

• Have evidence that the text is unreliable, whether as a result of error, fabrication, or forgery, inaccurate authorship, plagiarism.

• Have been previously published elsewhere without the permission of the publisher.

• Include material or data without authorization of use.

• Not having a file from a Research Ethics Committee in the cases where appropriate.

• Copyright infringement or any other serious legal issue (eg defamation, privacy).

• Conducting a compromised or rigged peer review process.

• Omit, by the author, the declaration of conflict of interest


Author Responsibility

• Substantially contribute to the conception, design, analysis, and interpretation of article data in accordance with professional and ethical conduct.

• Participate in the writing of the article with critical review and ethical conduct, as well as approve the final version of the manuscript.

• Manifest conflict of interest or lack thereof.

• Present true data.

• Respect the processes and times of the journal, the editor and the reviewers.

• Make the corrections suggested by the editor and reviewers within the established deadlines.

• Monitor the stages of the journal through its platform and refrain from establishing personal conversations with the editor.

• Fully comply with all editorial requirements and policies.

• Abide by the warnings imposed and the penalty times indicated, in case it happens.


Publisher Responsibility

• Give punctual follow-up to the processes of reception, review, ruling and publication of the articles sent to the journal.

• Maintain, through the journal's digital platform, communication with the author and reviewers.

• Monitor good practices in publication and promote ethical values ​​in the publication process.

• Accept or reject papers in accordance with the journal's editorial policies.

• Initiate and follow up on the necessary investigations to verify bad practices.

• Review and analyze the texts with a similarity detection tool.

• Ensure a good double-blind review system.

• Respect the confidentiality of all involved.

• Do not use the manuscripts for personal gain.

• Act ethically, objectively and impartially throughout the editorial process.

• Accept errors in the publication and correct them quickly.

• Carry out the retraction of the article in the event that ethical faults are verified that warrant it.

• Abide by the decisions of the Editorial Committee or the director of the journal in case of having incurred in ethical faults.

• Report, at least twice a year, to the Editorial Committee and the Editorial Board on the advances and numbers published.


Responsibility of the reviewer/dictator

• Critically, impartially and punctually review the authors' manuscripts and do so through the platform that hosts the journal.

• Declare to the editor any conflict of interest that may bias their opinions on the original or, failing that, refrain from making the opinion prior notice to the editor.

• Do not suggest citations to their own works or take important information and appropriate ideas from the author under review.

• Respect the decisions and/or reprimands imposed by the editor in case of having incurred in any serious fault.

• Refrain from disclosing your identity to the authors of the article you reviewed after publication of the article.

* Based on the COPE Retraction Guidelines.


Medicina y Ética is included in the following directories and databases:


SciELO México

• Catálogo Latindex 2.0

Bibliografía Latinoamericana en revistas de investigación científica y social (BIBLAT)


• The Philosopher's Index




Repositorio de la Biblioteca Anáhuac México Norte


Directorio de Latindex




The author will undertake to sign a letter of authorization to the Journal for the manuscript to be reproduced in electronic format, including internet, through any means of communication and/or dissemination, known or unknown.

a) Declaration of originality
Must be signed by all authors and co-authors, who must provide their information. 


2. Authorization for public communication of literary work (article)



All the intellectual content found in this periodical publication is licensed to the consumer public under the figure of Creative Commons©, unless the author of said content has agreed otherwise or limited said faculty to Medicine and Ethics© or Universidad Anáhuac México© in writing and expressly.

Medicina y Ética is distributed under a Creative Commons License Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

The author retains the economic rights without restrictions and guarantees the journal the right to be the first publication of the work. The author is free to deposit the published version in any other medium, such as an institutional repository or on his own website.

By being part of indexers, databases and reference systems, the articles published by "Medicina y Ética" will be visible and will be downloaded free of charge, not for profit and of a purely academic and scientific nature; in all cases, the moral rights and attribution rights of the authors will always be respected, the date of publication and the number of the journal to which they correspond. All the documents published by "Medicina y Ética" can be downloaded from the journal's website https://revistas.anahuac.mx/bioetica and from the databases where it is indexed.



Medicina y Ética keeps in-house at its editorial office all the documents published electronically.

Institutional preservation. The Technological Services Department of Universidad Anahuac Mexico supports and backs up the website.

The Universidad Anahuac Mexico Library hosts the magazine not only for consultation, but also for its preservation; in addition, they are creating an integrated and more robust institutional archive.



This journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of the published contents.

Route for harvesters: https://revistas.anahuac.mx/bioetica/oai/



Facebook: Medicina y Ética, @bioeticaAnahuac

Contact: bioetica@anahuac.mx