Communicologist´s perception regarding soft skills and their work trajectory

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Alfredo Barrales Martínez


Mixed sequential, exploratory-descriptive study, conducted initially during 2012-2015 and second in 2020-2022. Results of the second moment are presented. The objective was to know the opinion of graduates of communication sciences about the soft skills they developed during their student stage and those that have been transcendent in their career. The perspective of Leyva, Espejel, Cavazos, Arroyo, Robles and Sánchez are used as a theoretical basis, from which the analysis constructs are built. The sample was mixed multilevel and was composed of graduates of the degree in communication sciences. The results reveal the opinions about the soft skills developed during the student stage through different subjects as well as those that have been most transcendent in their professional career. It ends with the consideration about the relevance of developing soft skills in the academic activities and extra-classroom of the degrees in communication sciences.


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How to Cite
Barrales Martínez, A. (2023). Communicologist´s perception regarding soft skills and their work trajectory. Sintaxis, (11), 13–32.
Author Biography

Alfredo Barrales Martínez, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosi

Doctor en Comunicación Educativa. Actualmente es coordinador de la Maestría en Innovación Comunicativa para las Organizaciones (SNP Conacyt) en la UASLP. Cuenta con 19 años de experiencia en docencia en licenciatura y posgrado y 3 años de experiencia en investigación. Su publicación más reciente se titula “Comunicación asesor-estudiante y proceso de investigación: contiendas post-pandemia a nivel posgrado”. Human Review, 18(1), 1-15.


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