Maya Kowalski’s Story: do no harm

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Jimena Mónica Muñoz Merino


Johns Hopkins Hospital was ordered to pay $261 million to the Kowalski family following a lawsuit revealing ethical and systemic failures in medical care. The story follows Maya, diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Ketamine treatment turns into tragedy when misunderstandings lead to false accusations against the mother. Maya is separated from her parents, facing devastating consequences.

This case highlights medical gaslighting. Lack of communication, institutional accountability, poor patient-physician relationships and non-maleficence contributed to this tragedy and raises ethical questions about the use of experimental treatments. The story underscores the importance of a doctor-patient relationship based on trust and empathy, as well as the need for ongoing ethical training for health professionals. Bioethics must be fundamental in medical care to avoid tragedies such as that of the Kowalski family.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Merino, J. M. (2024). Maya Kowalski’s Story: do no harm. Medicina Y Ética, 35(3), 603–639.


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