As you can see, in this issue we have increased the number of articles to seven, and in this occasion, also an overview of a really extraordinary book, which I personally recommend. All this issue includes articles about various and innovative subject matters. In the first article, related to Moral Anguish or Distress and futile treatments, and more specifically regarding the cognitive research on the perception of three Nursing students namely, Conoci, Cristofori, and Galletti, who point out a really new ethical pro Editorial

blem, and a very subtle one: it is the moral anguish felt, in this case by Nursing students, when during clinical practice they see that Ethics is limited to a set of deontological rules, which become insufficient for an Ethics of maximums and not of minimums, that furthermore, is the one required by the hyper medical specialization. The case has been studied using a special methodology, and I think it is a study, that should be replicated in other scenarios. From a management point of view, there are two articles which, although different, derive themselves from this subject matter. On his behalf, Mancini also addresses a very seldom explored subject matter: The one about experimenting on him/her self, as a research subject. The authorAs in previous issues, Claudio Sartea presents and explains to us, all the possible interpretations of a dissemination article, where his own conscientious objection is objected. Thus Sartea challenges this analysis, and supports the judicial and ethical legality, based on Human Rights on conscientious objection, which nowadays is, a debate issue in Mexico, where the intention is to suppress that duty/right (paraphrasing Sartea), which a physician has. Finally there are two articles that propose, one in an openly way, and the other one in a kind of hidden way, the narrative methodology, for Bioethics. Giardina S., and Spagnolo A., show to us The History of Medicine, using a series of small stories for that purpose. On his/her behalf Braga P., analyzes a movie picture from the Bioethics point of view. In this third issue, we wanted to share with you, these subject matters that are handled in a fresh and innovative manner, because in terms of Bioethics, the growth is a continuous process.
Martha Tarasco MD PhD Editor


Published: 2018-10-31