Anáhuac Journal


OJS Edition and Publication Process




- Submission

The author uploads the file to the journal’s website and enters metadata for the OAI indexing

- Submission review

The author can follow the process, view the files and the revisions, review and resubmit at the editor’s request

- Submission edits

The author checks the corrections and the galley proof


Journal manager
Section editor
Proof editor
Open Journal Systems is an open code system developed by Public Knowledge Project in the University of British Columbia

Editor and section editor


1. Submission queue

The editor assigns the submission to the section editor to carry out the editing process

2. Submission review

a) Check submission
b) Peer review
c) Make an editorial decision

3. Submission edits

a) Correct submission
b) Format galley proof
c) Correct galley proof

4. Manage the issue

a) Create numbers
b) Plan submissions
c) Organize table of contents

5. Publication

Offer immediate or postdated open access with subscriptions

- Current issue

The texts appear with reading tools linked to internal or related external resources Journal manager, reviewer, proofreader, typesetter and proof editor

- Journal management

Set up and configure the journal, register editors, reviewers and proofreaders of original and proof documents

- Select reviewers

The editor invites reviewers from a data base

- Addressed review

The reviewer sends the proofreading and the suggestions (assessed by the editor) Correction of original documents

- Layout

The typesetter prepares the galley proof in HTML, PDF, PS, etc.

- Correct proofs

- Submission archive

Complete records of the submission process of published and rejected texts

- Journal archive

Browse by issues through the indexing of search engines such as OAI, Google, etc.