Video Game Streaming as a Generator of Employment and New Professional Opportunities
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This article aims to structure an overview of video game streaming as a generator of employment and new professional careers in Ecuador. In the methodology, a non-experimental design of descriptive and correlational scope was proposed, using a mixed approach, with the Delphi method in the qualitative component. At the same time, surveys were executed to solve the quantitative component. In this sense, it was possible to observe a greater participation of Generation Z and Millennials in this type of activity, which in turn reflects the interest in being part of video game streaming. In contrast, others are already users and have perceived a contribution or economic benefit for playing or creating content. In addition, the male gender is highlighted as the main participant in these platforms. It was concluded that there is a relationship between people who dedicate hours to video games and the desire to obtain economic income through this business model, and there is also a tendency for gamers to become professionals in digital marketing and audiovisual and multimedia production careers.
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